[netatalk-admins] netatalk-1.4b2+asun2.1.3: atalk ok,

Subject: [netatalk-admins] netatalk-1.4b2+asun2.1.3: atalk ok,
From: Mick Laver (laver@gromit.ucsd.edu)
Date: Fri Sep 10 1999 - 17:00:46 EDT

Hi folks,
I'm relatively new to both linux and netatalk so be gentle.

I've installed netatalk-1.4b2+asun2.1.3 on a 2.2.8 dual-processor
system from both an rpm and after compiling the package locally. In
both cases I can connect using ethertalk just fine, but when I try to
connect with appletalk over IP the connection is refused. I get the
following in /var/log/messages:

Sep 10 13:36:38 fatlip afpd[4505]: dsi_getsess: Interrupted system call

'dmesg | grep Apple' gives me:

        NET4: AppleTalk 0.18 for Linux NET4.0

so it doesn't seem to be the kernel. Can anyone point me in the right
direction? Thanks.

Mick Laver mlaver@ucsd.edu
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Tel:858.534.2040
UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA. 92093-0210 Fax:858.534.8295

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