Re: [netatalk-admins] what's this mean?

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] what's this mean?
From: Benjamin Lee (
Date: Sun Sep 19 1999 - 20:31:21 EDT

On Sat, 18 Sep 1999, Jeff Davis wrote:

> Benjamin,
> Modify your atalkd.conf so that it just has the interface (eth0) and
> the zone, then restart atalk in etc/rc.d/init.d. It should figure
> the rest out by itself.
> -Jeff


thanks for the input.

unfortunately i've already tried this. it still comes up with the same
bind error.

i think just eth0 and zone won't work because i have no router seeding the
network. is this correct?

appletalk is properly installed as a kernel module. just to make that
clear to everyone.

it's actually pretty weird because this is the solution i've found.

unplug my linux box from the network...
(for some reason i think there's something on my network that's
preventing atalk to successfully assign addresses. funny as i only have
one mac on the net! ;-} )
start up atalkd...
wait till ifconfig shows nice ethertalk addresses...
plug the network back in...
and low and behold, we're good to go.

granted i have to do this everytime i restart... but since i don't restart
the computer very often it's no big deal.

anyone know what's going on though?

later all,


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