[netatalk-admins] problem with two-way encrypted passwords

Subject: [netatalk-admins] problem with two-way encrypted passwords
From: Sandor W. Sklar (ssklar@stanford.edu)
Date: Fri Oct 01 1999 - 14:31:20 EDT


I am a new user of the netatalk package, on a vanilla RedHat 6.0
Intel system, and while I have been successful installing and using
the package with my macintosh, I have not been able to use the "2-way
encrypted password" feature.

I have set up the netatalk+asun tarball (downloaded from
ftp.u.washington.edu/public/asun) along with the tcp wrappers package
and the DES library, as described in the Linux Netatalk-HOWTO by
Anders Brownworth.

I have also followed his instructions on setting up 2-way encrypted
passwords, but this has not been successful. I have no problem using
standard unencrypted passwords. For example

Host = myhost
User ID = jdoe
jdoe's "unix" password (in /etc/shadow) = foobar

If jdoe, on his macintosh, goes to his chooser (version 7.6.2, MacOS
8.5), and selects the file server "myhost", the "Connect to file
server 'myhost' as ..." dialog box comes up. If jdoe enters his user
id and his unix password "foobar" in the dialog box, there is no
problem; he can select volumes and everything is fine.

However, if on his unix account he creates a file named ".passwd" in
his home directory, containing the password "boofar", with the proper
permissions (-rw-------) and then tries to mount a volume through the
chooser, he recieves an "incorrect password" message.

Under both scenarios, the "Connect to file server..." dialog box says
that "Clear-text password" is being used.

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?


    Sandor W. Sklar
    Unix Systems Administrator, ITSS/CSS
    Stanford University
    Polya Hall, 255 Panama Street
    Stanford, CA 94305-4136
    Tel: (650) 723-0512 Fax: (650) 723-3253

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