[netatalk-admins] Re: Dancing Icons

Subject: [netatalk-admins] Re: Dancing Icons
From: a sun (asun@cobaltnet.com)
Date: Mon Oct 18 1999 - 18:25:36 EDT

   have had has been dancing icons. When certain folders are opened on any
   Mac running OS 8.x, duplicates of all the icons pop up and then
   disappear repeatedly, making it next to impossible to select files. In

you're probably experiencing one of two situations:
       1) you're using symlinks. just don't do that as the same file
          id gets generated. much unhappiness ensues.
       2) your .AppleDouble file got corrupted, and the mac client
          can't quite figure out how to fix it.

   A while back, Windows NT had the same type of problem which was fixed in
   SP4. Apparently it was related to changes in the way the MacOS 8.x

you've got your order of causation wrong here. the problem was
actually found and fixed in netatalk first. there's even some
likelihood that the nt tracking of the nature problem was due in part
to what we did with netatalk.


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