Re: [netatalk-admins] PAP documentation

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] PAP documentation
From: Piotr Waskiewicz (
Date: Thu Dec 02 1999 - 08:37:47 EST

Bob Krzaczek wrote:
> I'm investigating the netatalk PAP daemon and psf filter, with an eye
> towards speeding them up, optionally turning off the blasted CR->NL
> conversion, and handling PostScript binary/binary-tagged data correctly
> (our users don't always remember to select "ASCII" in their printer
> setups, and changing the PPD's language level to "1" doesn't always do
> the trick for some programs, unfortunately).

I'm working in DTP studio. We take many PS jobs to print on our imagesetter.
Several jobs printed through linux/netatalk spooler aren't go well because
of cr/lf mangling doing by papd. So I maded patch that preventing papd to
change line ending and several other things like removing ctrl-d char after
EOF. This patch include better handling of large binary jobs done by one
person in this mailinglist (sorry, but forget his name). I'm using it over
a year so assume its quite stable :) and I don't seen any job refusing print
by papd.
See attachment.

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| |/\| | -- | ---| -- |    --- Piotr Waskiewicz * WasP ---
|  /\  | ,. |--- | ,--'    ---     UIN: 5654159        ---
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