Re: [netatalk-admins] Improving papd

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] Improving papd
From: Andras Kadinger (
Date: Mon Dec 06 1999 - 12:46:16 EST

Hi Andrew, list,

I found the culprit. There was a macro called PF_BUFSIZ in the old code,
that I took as written, and during my changes I made it indeed to return
the buffer size - where it actually was returning the size of the data
in the buffer previously; this lead to the buffer never becoming empty,
and getting retransmitted again and again.

I've put out the new patch to the usual place:

Everyone using my previous patch should upgrade, as that one surely was

The patch should be applied to a clean -36a tree. (You can unapply
patches with the -R option to patch, should you want to avoid starting
over from a clean tree and losing your Makefile configuration.)


> I extracted the 2.1.4pre36a source into a clean directory and applied your
> patches (no errors reported in the patch process). I changed the
> top-level Makefile for PAM support and my install directory. Basically,
> just the plain source plus your patches (I wanted to try it out first
> before adding my stuff). There were a few new warnings in the papd make,
> but no errors. However, when I print from my mac, papd sends tons of
> empty packets back instead of responding to the first postscript query.
> The packets are just full of zeros.
> Any ideas what is going on? I'm running MacOS 8.6 on a 6100/60 and it has
> been upgraded to AppleShare Client 3.8.6. I can send a tcpdump if that
> would help...
> Andy

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