Re: [netatalk-admins] SUMMARY: Error -50

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] SUMMARY: Error -50
From: a sun (
Date: Mon Dec 06 1999 - 23:06:32 EST

   Arguably, this error can just not be returned. There are cases like
   this, for instance when a directory is world writable, but the user is
   not in the directory's group, that "chown" errors ought to be dropped.
   This error is probably in the same class.

i agree. i've made the changes in my current snapshot to ignore error
conditions on setdeskowner/setdeskmode. i'll keep this in mind when i
go through and re-vamp the permission bits. which reminds me, i have
the following issues outstanding for releasifying my current

        1) working with os x server. i've progressed a little further
           with this (nbp lookups work for example), but i haven't
           fixed it totally.

        2) kerberos uam. it's really difficult for me to figure out
           what needs to be done without a spec. in any case, i've
           added the following two bits to help things along:
           a) server uams can now save/get cookies from the server via
              an afpserver_option.
           b) you now pass in a function to uam_afp_read to handle
              streaming bits. currently, the function passes back
              (handle, buf, buflen) as arguments. if you think you
              need anything else, let me know.

        3) dhx password changing. this one's pretty simple. i just
           haven't had time to finish it up.

        4) i need reports on locking interactions with databases and
           such. if you can cause it to crash, debug and strace logs
           would be helpful. if people are running into problems, i'll
           probably re-do the locking bits as they're massively hokey.

anyways, the only thing i'm definite on are #3 and #4. #1 depends upon
my having enough time to figure out. #2 depends upon my getting a
kerberos uam spec so that i don't have to go through the code and try
to decide on bit sizes and such.


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