Re: [netatalk-admins] Mac Manager for Linux - Explained

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] Mac Manager for Linux - Explained
From: eirvine (
Date: Thu Dec 09 1999 - 16:29:00 EST

Unfortunately, it seems to store a user's files and preferences
in its own Mac Manager folder on the server - this is a similar
set up to At Ease for Networks. Thus a user's files are *not*
stored in their OS X "home directory". Nor a are passwords sync'd
with the /etc/passwd.

This is likely to be a major setback for people like me who wanted to
use SAMBA as well.

Jared Benedict wrote:
> For those who haven't had a chance to see Mac Manager I'd thought I try to
> explain myself a bit better.
> Mac Manager has two parts. A central database of users. Each user has
> their own password, preferences, folder for storage etc.
> Then there is a client side which is built right into Mac OS 9.
> You start up the Mac client and a screen comes up asking you to sign on.
> You can't start using the mac until you have been authenticated.
> You type in your user name and password and log in. During this process,
> all YOUR preferences are loaded, (Netscape bookmarks, stickies, background
> image, etc) (Basically everyone has a Preferences folder of their own.)
> You own folder is mounted on the desktop for you to save files to. You
> don't have access to anyone else's files and it is all stored on the server.
> I would be happy with those features alone.
> Mac Manager also has the ability to have disk quotas and Print quotas. You
> can make different groups of users. You can specify if the user has the
> ability to use removable media, you can determine which applications the
> users are allowed to run. And more cool stuff.
> I unfortunately couldn't find a lot of good info on the web but here are a
> few links.
> hManager1.0.pdf
> Can also do a search for "macintosh mangager" in apple's tech info library.
> Some people told me about other apps that do this. But all the ones that
> were mentioned and that I know about cost quite a bit of money. It sounds
> like Mac Administrator has the ability to automount a netatalk server based
> on the username entered. I've looked at Mac Administrator but haven't used
> it myself.
> Thanks
> _jared

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