Re: [netatalk-admins] "too many files open"

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] "too many files open"
From: clyde jones (
Date: Tue Dec 14 1999 - 16:45:01 EST

>Is there a MacOS->unix translator available? What is a 'suitcase'? Argh,
>does O'Reilly have anything on this?

Mac -> UNIX translator for what? lingo or files?

A suitcase is a mac OS thing (left over from system 4 or 5 I think)
that allows you to "bundle" fonts or da's into a package for dropping
into the system folder. Sort of a module approach to adding
functionality to the system. It is obsolete except for handling fonts

I don't thing O'Reilly has anything on macs, but the Mac Bible or
Maclopedia will cover the same stuff (if they have been updated for
sys 9)

Pray to God, But Hammer Away
     - Spanish Proverb
           Clyde Jones

Clyde Jones
Cell 443.226.6054

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