[netatalk-admins] Solaris 7 64-bit / pre-asun2.1.4-35

Subject: [netatalk-admins] Solaris 7 64-bit / pre-asun2.1.4-35
From: Simon Oxwell (soxwell@megabyte.murdoch.edu.au)
Date: Thu Dec 16 1999 - 19:46:20 EST

>I'm given to understand that asun2.1.4 will work if compiled with a 64 bit
>compiler. I also understand that asun2.1.4 is very much a testing release.
Given >that asun2.1.4-35 has been there since 4th August and assuming
nothing nasty >happened to Adrian, that this release is relatively stable?
Am I right? Is there >anything I should know before I get hounded by a
lynch mob of angry >mathematicans?

Compiled what was supposedly a 64-bit version of the kernel driver with gcc
2.95.2. Uncommented SPARC64=true and -mcpu=ultrasparc in the kernel
makefile. It compiled with the usual warnings, installed itself and gave
the same error about ddp being installed correctly but failing to attach as
I got previously, but without the "not 64-bit driver" in /var/adm/messages.

Ah, well. Change to 32-bit mode before the lynch mob arrives... Or daybreak...


+ Simon Oxwell ----- Computer Systems Officer (DSE) ----- SC3.64a -+
| soxwell@central.murdoch.edu.au Phone: +61 08 9360 6126 |
| "It doesn't matter what you like, aliens hate it..." - Custard |
+----------- http://megabyte.murdoch.edu.au/support ---------------+

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