Welcome to Sherwood Forest!
Come meet Robin Hood and his chemistry student comrades!

Come along on a merry (chemical) adventure through the journal:
Yamaguchi, J.; Seiple, I. B.; Young, I. S.; O'Malley, D. P.; Maue, M.; Baran, P. S.  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.  2008, 47, 3578-3580.

We will explore the transformation of Compound 13 to Compound 6!

But first, allow us to introduce ourselves:

Sara Walker is double majoring in Honors mathematics and biomedical engineering, with a minor in French. She intends to pursue an M.D./Ph.D. degree in pathology.

Michael Balaban is a student at the University of Michigan in the Honors Program. He is not certain about his major, but is considering a concentration in math. He’s from Vermont and enjoys reading about interesting chemistry facts.

David Springstead is undecided as to what major he will choose, but would like to concentrate in the biological sciences. He is from Michigan and enjoys drawing and being outdoors.

Enjoy your journey, but keep your wits about you…
for these woods are haunted by the notorious Prince John and his mischievous cronies!

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