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TONIGHT: Richard Hammond will forget his personal protective equipmemt, James May will write his lab report in iambic pentameter, Jeremy will set a fire with lithium aluminum hydride-and spit and you are the Star in a Reasonably-Priced Car! You need to help Jeremy, James, and Richard-and of course The Stig-create a Top Gear Top Review of steps 7-10 of the Total Synthesis of Palau'amine! Take your lesson with The Stig before you start your lap very seriously, as he will be giving you the procedure you need to be successful. After you've completed your lap, check out what transition metal redox chemistry is with Lisa and Meghan, and why it's putting a cramp in your paint job.

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Su, S.I.; Seiple, B.; Young, I. S.; Baran, P. S. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 16490-16491.