Daily Prayer

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

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Daily Prayer

DPM Schedule
Tuesday: 9:00pm @ TBDe (David Ross)
Wednesday: 9:00pm @ Mojo (Mike Showalter)
Thursday: 6:00pm @ Palmer Commons (Eric Boekeloo)

Prayer is at the heart of everything that we do here in InterVarsity because we exist to glorify God and because we can do nothing without His strength. We have the privilege of meeting together every week day to come before our Lord in prayer. The style of prayer and the focus of these prayer meetings will vary each day. Daily prayer meetings provide a great opportunity to take part in what God is doing on campus and around the world, and they provide an opportunity to support one another and to grow closer to God.

You are encouraged to attend as many prayer meetings as you can, and your friends are always welcome!

Each meeting will consist of three parts: 1)Prayer about any personal prayer requests
2)Prayer about the assigned topic you have for that week (it will rotate each week)
3)Prayer for chapter specific issues, events, etc.

Contact us for more information

This page maintained by the IVCF chapter at the University of Michigan.
Send questions or comments to mailto:ivcf.me.info@umich.edu. Layout by emmi.