Stefanie Galban Lab



Our laboratory is led by Dr. Stefanie Galban, and is surrounded by a rich research environment at the Center for Molecular Imaging (CMI) and the Rogel Cancer Center. The mission of the group involves establishing and developing mouse models of various malignancies recapitulating human disease to develop novel therapies, including gene therapy and imaging technologies. Our goal is to address new and challenging problems in cancer and develop novel therapies. Ongoing projects include investigating the mechanisms of molecularly targeted and immune-based therapies utilizing imaging in cell culture and mouse models, in particular the lethal pediatric brain tumor ‘Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma’ (DIPG) and the use of gemcitabine (GEM) in non-small cell lung cancer. These studies are performed in a highly collaborative research environment with leading experts in oncology and imaging, as well as industrial partners.

Michigan Medical Campus