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Elaine, Kathy, Donna, and I formed a bowling league in the summer of 2003.  Our team was named the "Little Stinkers" because we openly stunk at bowling.  Kathy held our high average, at 129.  My solid 96 brought down the curve, but who cared?  We had a blast!  After that summer, though, the Little Stinkers disbanded due to carpal tunnel syndrome (Kath), temporary relocation to northern Europe (Elaine), and general ambivalence (Betz & Donna). 

We revived the bowling league in 2006, but Donna and I were the only original members.  Kathy's bowling arm may forever be shelved along with her trophies, and Elaine was still living in Sweden.  But we gathered together some buddies from work and carried the torch.  We eight, plus a random guy named Paul, comprised the entire "Bad Bowlers League" that summer.  Susan and Audrey (we bowled in pairs of 2) took home the title, but were robbed of their trophy, which the staff at the bowling alley claims were "misplaced."  Boo!  Hiss!!!

Gluttons for punishment, we recruited again for a Monday night league in the summer of 2007.  Only this time, they switched nights.  Mondays were now the "El Cheapo" league (formerly on Tuesdays), so there were several people who could actually bowl.  It was a scratch league, but even guy bowled a 300 game and averaged 265.  Not to mention, some of the people were seasoned league bowlers, who sandbagged early in the season so they could only go up - up - up in the ratings.  We couldn't hang.  Our three teams finished 5th, 6th, and 7th out of 7 teams.  But again, who cared?  We had fun!  And my average increased from mid-90s to low 110s.  Not too shabby.

What will 2008 have in store for us?  Well, it depends on what night they dub "Bad Bowlers" league and what night gets the title of "El Cheapo."  Against other self-proclaimed bad bowlers, we might do ok.  Against cheap-ass sandbaggers, we don't stand a chance.


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This page was last updated on 10/25/2007 by BS