Betsy's Hobbies







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I originally got the scrapbooking bug at a Creative Memories party hosted by my former boss, Deb, in June 2001.  For a while, it was my passion (although, ask my closest friends, and they will tell you that whatever I'm into that week is my "passion.")  For a couple years after that, my pals Kathy, Elaine, Barb, Jane, and I would usually get together about once a month at each other's houses for a "crop."  It was sort of our Y2K version of a quilting bee.  I had my own Creative Memories party on October 5, 2002, and thereby infected 2 or 3 other new people with the cropping bug. Ciara was the worst bitten.  She and I get together with various friends - sometimes just the two of us - for cropping at The Scrapbook Zone in Farmington Hills about 6 times a year.

I even had a scrapbooking-themed birthday party in 2006.  Five of my closest friends joined me at The Zone, and we worked on a collaborative project:  each guest made 1-2 pages for the album that I later gave my niece, Elayna, for her first Christmas.  She was only 11 months old at the time, so she happily SAT on the scrapbook and giggled with glee.  But someday, she'll appreciate it.

Angela Angela Audrey Kathy Ciara
Ciara hard at work Angela's page Audrey's page Kathy's page One of Ciara's few pages

I still make time to scrapbook all of my pictures, but like most croppers, I am accumulating photos and adventures at a far greater rate than I am getting them into books.  But it's still therapeutic.   I meet with friends on occasion, but it's mostly by myself, while watching a movie or on a boring Sunday afternoon during the summer (school year - forget about it) when Derek is golfing and it's too hot to be outside.  Since 2001, I've completed about a dozen full scrapbooks (each about 30 pages).

I'd love to post some of my scrapbook pages here, but I've found that they take up too much space on my website.  The photos never really do them justice anyway.  You have to come to my house and look at the albums! 


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This page was last updated on 10/25/2007 by BS