[netatalk-admins] Printer messages in my log file

Subject: [netatalk-admins] Printer messages in my log file
From: Lars-Gunnar Persson (lars-gunnar.persson@nrsc.no)
Date: Mon Jan 11 1999 - 04:07:31 EST

Every time I print, the following messages appear in my log file:

papd[28971]: select: Interrupted system call
papd[28647]: child 28971 exited with 1

My system is a SPARCstation 20 with Solaris 2.5.1.

I'm running the latest netatalk+asun version.

Can anyone please help me or explain what's going on?

Regards, Lars-Gunnar Persson

Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
* Address: Edvard Griegs vei 3A, N-5037 SOLHEIMSVIKEN, NORWAY
* Phone: +47 55 29 72 88, Fax: +47 55 20 00 50
* Internet: http://www.nrsc.no/, E-mail: admin@nrsc.no

Personal info:
* Phone: +47 55 29 29 01 ext. 222, E-mail: lars-gunnar.persson@nrsc.no

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