[netatalk-admins] pre-asun2.1.2-5 available

Subject: [netatalk-admins] pre-asun2.1.2-5 available
From: a sun (asun@saul6.u.washington.edu)
Date: Mon Feb 01 1999 - 17:19:06 EST

hi all,

this version should make people with broken appledouble v1 headers
happier. it complains, but it fixes things automatically (and
permanently if you have the file opened for writing). i'll remove the
check some time way in the future (post asun2.2.0). it should also
have better bad-date detection code. also, copying directories over
should now preserve the modify date. in addition, i stuck more of
sendfile() in. it's completely untested and not turned on by default.
glibc needs to be updated on linux anyways. fyi, linux' version turns
out to be much more flexible than freebsd's. if solaris has a similar
primitive, let me know.

if all goes well, here's my checklist of things to do before there's a
real asun2.1.2:
     1) merge in the umich solaris/papd changes
     2) enable a noadouble option for people who don't want the
        creation of AppleDouble headers. this is a little problematic
        as copying files to an AFP volume involves a lot of fiddling
        with headers. so, we have the following options:

        a) no creation of new .AppleDouble directories on noadouble
           volumes. this means that you'll get lots of complaints when
           you try to copy files to that volume. i can minimize the
           complaints for file/directory parameter changing, but i
           can't for resource fork copying.

        b) only create a new .AppleDouble when somebody copies a file
           over (this includes FPCopyFile). once this is done,
           however, all the other files in that directory become
           susceptible to AppleDouble header creation.

        so, send your vote in for your favorite behaviour. needless to
        say, i favor choice b as it will cause the user the least
        amount of confusion.

     3) i might stick in the multicast change for freebsd, but i
        really don't want to do that as i think the changes should be
        done in the kernel-side ddp code.

oh yeah, i'm in the process of moving the PAP bits of papd and pap
into libatalk. so, for now, just ignore the nonworking code in
libatalk/pap. that's for asun2.2.0.


location: <ftp.u.washington.edu:/public/asun/pre-asun2.1.2-5.tar.gz>

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