Re: [netatalk-admins] PAP end-of-job timeouts?

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] PAP end-of-job timeouts?
From: Frank Morton (
Date: Wed Mar 03 1999 - 09:34:12 EST

>Can anyone throw any wisdom on this? Can I add something to an LP print
>filter to add a command to disconnect the job once it is printed? Is
>there a way to setup a timeout so that the Netatalk PAP will automatically
>kill the job after a certain period of time? Has anyone else seen anything

I can confirm the problem. I function in a prepress environment where it
is not unusual to send a 100MB file, and they often have timeout problems,
even though there isn't a problem. It is just taking a long time to get the
job done. I brought this up on the list a couple years ago and everyone
acted like I was crazy.

My solution, though a terrible kludge, was to comment out the exit statement
in the code found in the source distribution at etc/papd/session.c
just below the error message "connection timed out" and the problem
went away. BUT, I also ended up starting up a process that was aware
of the spooling that was going on and killed the process if it still existed
and the printing device went %%idle.

The timeout stuff is beyond me and I would love for someone (adrian, are you
listening?) to resolve this. I tried to, but had a hard time doing useful
because in my case I am imaging high resolution film, and it is hard to
that stuff away in testing.

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