Re: [netatalk-admins] Angry FreeHand users...

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] Angry FreeHand users...
From: Devin Reade (
Date: Wed Mar 10 1999 - 15:24:05 EST

Scott Kveton wrote:

> Does anyone have anything they can share with me on this?
> I want to make this as seamless for as many of my users as
> I can without breaking things.

Would it be feasible to set up a second server that is running
with a CRLF-disabled netatalk? Then tell your users, "if you're
running program A, B or C, make sure you directory X for your data
files. If you're running program D or E, you have to use directory
Y for your data files. All other programs can use either directory
X or Y.".

It's not exactly optimal, but it's an idea. I don't run Macs on my
home network (just Apple IIgses), so I have no experience with the
problems you're describing.


Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
							- Robert Heinlein

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