Re: [netatalk-admins] Solaris 2.6 not connecting

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] Solaris 2.6 not connecting
From: Michael Han (
Date: Thu Mar 18 1999 - 02:05:51 EST

>I've installed netatalk-1.4b2+asun2.1.1, and the server shows up in the
>chooser, and it appears to authenticate properly (it will fail on bad
>uname/passwd), but the host seems to disconnect immediately. The Mac
>complains with the error message: "The connection to this server has been
>unexpectedly broken"
>I can't find any error messages in any logs on the Solaris host.
>Any ideas or places to start poking around?

This has come up a couple times before. Here's some questions:

1) Did you compile with PAM support? Though Solaris ships with PAM and
Sun initiated PAM, netatalk doesn't seem to support PAM on Solaris.
Try recompiling w/o PAM (comment out PAM in the toplevel Makefile).

2) Does the user in question have a shell listed in /etc/shells?

If neither of these helps you, please further provide the following

* What version of Solaris are we talking about (2.what or is it
    Solaris 7; Sparc, Ultrasparc or Intel; 32-bit or 64-bit)?

* What authentication are you using: cleartext, randnum, rand2num,
    kerberos? (If you're not sure, the Mac should be telling you when
    you provide the name and password).


I will not strut around like I own the place
 - The collected wisdom of Bart Simpson

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