[netatalk-admins] How do I restrict domains?

Subject: [netatalk-admins] How do I restrict domains?
From: Steve Frampton (frampton@alcdsb.on.ca)
Date: Thu Apr 01 1999 - 19:45:10 EST


I've just compiled Linux 2.2.4-4 with Appletalk support included as a
module. I've got netatalk-1.4b2+asun2.1.3-2 installed from RPM, and
have a couple of services defined in AppleVolumes.default.

The docs made mention of installing tcpwrapper, which is included in my
distribution of Linux, but I'm not sure what the proper method of
restricting hosts would be.

Something in /etc/hosts.allow like

atalk: 123.124.125.

(to restrict traffic only to hosts in the 123.124.125.* class C)?

Or something in the /etc/atalk configuration files.

Also, I plan on making the same area available to Mac's through Netatalk
as to Wintel's through Samba. Any issues here? Do/Should I turn off
CR translation, and if so, how?

Thanks in advance...

--------------< LINUX: The choice of a GNU generation. >--------------
Steve Frampton <3srf@qlink.queensu.ca> http://qlink.queensu.ca/~3srf

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