[netatalk-admins] copying from 8.5.1

Subject: [netatalk-admins] copying from 8.5.1
From: Wenchi Liao (wliao@midway.uchicago.edu)
Date: Tue Apr 13 1999 - 12:49:23 EDT

Hello. I vaguely remember a thread about problems copying files onto
g3s with MacOS 8.5.1. Searching through the archives (no 1999 stuff?)
hasn't turned up anything useful.

Here's the deal: I'm using asun's 2.1.3 on netbsd 1.3.3 i386, with afpd
in tcp mode. From the B&W G3, I can mount volumes. If I try to copy
files onto the G3, it looks like everything is fine (response slows
down, etc). However, the progress bar doesn't budge. Logs report
"afpd_alarm: Child timed out"



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