[netatalk-admins] AUFS style Printer Security for netatalk

Subject: [netatalk-admins] AUFS style Printer Security for netatalk
From: Nicholas Humfrey (njh1@st-andrews.ac.uk)
Date: Mon May 10 1999 - 04:11:43 EDT


I am trying to setup printer accounting for the Macs on my network. I am
using ppr which has support for printer security under CAP by checking to
see if the user printing has authenicated themselves by accessing a file
system via AUFS.

Would the same be possible with afpd ? All it would require is adding the
-X option specifying the location to store login information. When a user
opens a connection is creates a file with the node and network of the user
and puts the username inside the file. Then when the user tries to print
the print spooler checks for a node & network file and uses the username
inside for acounting.

There must be other users out there who would like to see this feature. If
anyone out there is interested in helping me with implementing it please
let me know. I have not written very much in C in any kind of UNIX but I am
willing to give it a go.....

Nicholas Humfrey

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