Re: [netatalk-admins] AUFS style Printer Security for netatalk

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] AUFS style Printer Security for netatalk
From: Gerry.Tomlinson (
Date: Thu May 13 1999 - 10:22:42 EDT

> Hi,
> I am trying to setup printer accounting for the Macs on my network. I am
> using ppr which has support for printer security under CAP by checking to
> see if the user printing has authenicated themselves by accessing a file
> system via AUFS.
> Would the same be possible with afpd ? All it would require is adding the
> -X option specifying the location to store login information. When a user
> opens a connection is creates a file with the node and network of the user
> and puts the username inside the file. Then when the user tries to print
> the print spooler checks for a node & network file and uses the username
> inside for acounting.
> There must be other users out there who would like to see this feature. If
> anyone out there is interested in helping me with implementing it please
> let me know. I have not written very much in C in any kind of UNIX but I am
> willing to give it a go.....

I've been using a similar style of printing authentication for some
time with my own patches, currently to netatalk-971027 on solaris. My
implementation makes afpd create a file whose name is the net.node and
content is the username, and creates an advisory lock on it. papd then
tries to open the appropriate file and lock it - if the lock fails it
means there is an afpd session from that net.node and the username in
the file is valid. Rather than looking in a single directory for the
auth files papd enumurates a directory of directories. This enables a
printer server host to NFS mount the auth directories of other afpd
server hosts so a user can print if he is authenticated by one of
several hosts running afpd - the patches and brief instructions are in


Computing Officer
Department of Computing Science, University of Newcastle, Tel: +44 191 222 8139
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