Re: [netatalk-admins] Appletalk <=> Ethernet

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] Appletalk <=> Ethernet
From: Patrik Schindler (
Date: Tue Jun 15 1999 - 12:20:28 EDT

At 12:21 Uhr +0200 15.06.1999, wrote:

>I have somewhat complicated network: two segments of ethernet
>and one appletalk.

Wrong :-) You mean LocalTalk. AppleTalk is the protocol. LocalTalk is the hardware.

>Ethernet and appletalk are connected by EtherLan
>print+ device. It advertising itself as: EtherLanPrint+ 5590:DRSI Spooler
>(taken from nbplkup).

Same as I own :-)

>Q: Can I run on macs in appletalk network TCP/IP apps like telnet?
>Someone has do it? How?

You need Apple's IP Gateway for it. In TCP/IP (or MacTCP) control panel, you choose the AppleTalk (!) Port where to look for the gateway and simply use it.

Perhaps there is a way under unix to do this kind of encapsulation, but I have no knowledge of this. If anyone knows better, I'm interested, too!

:wq! PoC

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