Re: [netatalk-admins] atalkd won't start: too many routes/iface

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] atalkd won't start: too many routes/iface
From: Markus Boie (
Date: Tue Jun 29 1999 - 10:38:24 EDT

>I saw this problem once upon a time ... on Solaris. The root
>cause was that we had an appletalk network with two zones with
>very different network numbers (say 10 and 800). atalkd tries to
>define a route for every network between the lowest and highest
>appletalk networks it can find on the interface. This caused
>atalkd to hit the maximum number of supported routes per
>interface (256 IIRC).
>The solution is to set up the appletalk router for the network
>to seed zone network numbers with a smaller spread (lets say 10 and
>11) and then reboot every Mac in the building. I did manage to hack
>the ddp driver to allow a larger number of routes but I don't
>think I have the hacked version around.

Thanks for your answer.

I don't want atalkd to route anything. That's why I specified only one of the networks in atalkd.conf. Is this setting ignored?


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