Re: [netatalk-admins] Administration of Netatalk files from a Macintosh

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] Administration of Netatalk files from a Macintosh
From: Russell E Glaue (
Date: Tue Aug 10 1999 - 10:12:02 EDT

Telnet into systems as root
adduser AppleGod with group AppleGrp
change directory to the root of the volume you want to have access to with
God like priveledges. Execute this:
        chown -R AppleGod:AppleGrp .
Any file/directory that is only be to written by AppleGod do this to it:
        chmod 755 file/directory
Any file/directory that is allowed to be written to by any user in the
AppleGrp group (ie: administrators) do this to it:
        chmod 775 file/directory
Any file/directory that is allowed to be written to by guests or users who
are not members of teh AppleGrp group do this to it:
        chmod 777 file/directory
Now connect to the volume via appletalk on a mac.
Logging in as AppleGod gives you the God-like priviledges.
Logging in as a user belonging to the AppleGrp group gives you God-like
priviledges to files/directories you chmod 775 to.
Logging in as anyone else only gives you read access to files unless you
allowed read and write access to a file/directory by chmod 777 to it.
If you do not want read and write access to a file/directory place a 0 in
the appropriate position.
ie: chmod 770 file/directory
        gives file/directory read and write access for AppleGod and
AppleGrp members, but everyone else cannot read or write the

For more information on setting permissions on file directories, pull up
the system manuals on `chmod` and `chown`.
What I have explained is only the tip of the iceberg!!

 Russell E Glaue, Technologies Engineer
 Center for the Application of Information Technologies
 101 Horrabin Hall, 1 University Circle, Macomb, Illinois 61455

On Mon, 9 Aug 1999 wrote:

> We are trying to setup netatalk where we had previously been using
> cap. In cap, it was possible to login as root and move files around as root
> and do pretty much all the god-like things that root gets to do.
> We're experimenting with netatalk and can't seem to get any similar
> functionality. It is critical that we have a way to move files around and
> do administration (not necessarily mess with server settings, just file stuff
> is all we need) through a macintosh interface. My first thought was to
> just comment out the code that disables root logins. Tried it and didn't
> get results.
> I'd be interested in any solutions to this problem that might have
> been devised, or thoughts on how something could be setup or modified to
> make it work. Note -- I'm not afraid to much around with source code.
> It's possible that Bethany Hanson has written to this list recently
> asking about something similar. We work for the same people and she
> currently has no access to this list.
> /* Sam */

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