Re: [netatalk-admins] thank you and more...

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] thank you and more...
From: eirvine (
Date: Fri Aug 27 1999 - 18:04:20 EDT

Hi Nicole,
I haven't read your previous posts, but
> FORTRAN programmer unfamiliar with C, getting creative with the
> makefile and compile options was looking like vodoo. Ultimately the
> easiest solution was to install the rpm file from the redhat
> directory (that exact address is:
> for RH6.0, 5.0 just change
> libc6 to libc5).
> configurations, installation went well, atalkd is running - but i can't
> tell if anybody's talkin' to .. ping works from linux to my main
> apple but not to another one on the network (which is connected to the
> first mac through appletalk).

Hmm... Perhaps a diagram is needed here, Nicole. You have three
yes? Linux + Mac + Mac. They are all on the same physical network, and
each machine has only one network card each, right? We are talking
ethernet cable only, yes? Is there any mixing ethernet and the older,
slower appletalk cable? Please say no.
No ethertalk/appletalk Zones? (You'd know if you had them)
Good. That keeps it simple. Doing anything else is like way more
BTW, generally it is considered best to get the ethertalk protocol
happening before trying to get tcp/ip working. Of course if you
were running FreeBSD instead...

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