Re: [netatalk-admins] afpd error messages (Was: End the Beta!)

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] afpd error messages (Was: End the Beta!)
From: Andre Pang (
Date: Mon Nov 15 1999 - 05:42:38 EST

Hi all,

    I have been charged with the task of getting an AppleShare volume which
is currently mounted on NT to be shared 'on remote access'. When I say
'remote access', I want to be able to access this AppleShare volume no
matter what ISP I've dialled up to, and from anywhere in the world. The
AppleShare volume is currently mounted on an NT server with a static IP
address, so this shouldn't be a problem--except that the Mac Services on NT
only speak AppleTalk and not ShareIP.

    Question 1: If anybody can come up with an alternative solution to what
I've implemented below, I'd be really interested (to say the least!).

    My current workaround on this is pretty ugly, but it works (most of the
time). My original plan was to mount the NT AppleShare volume on a Linux
server using afpfs, and share that mounted directory using afpd, which the
Macintosh would then be able to access by using the server IP address of the
Linux box.

    However, I couldn't get afpfs to talk to the NT server (it hung at some
point - I have the strace dump if somebody's really interested), and instead
of trying to stuff around with afpfs, I decided to cheat, and mounted the
share using smbfs instead. That's caused a few other problems, but those
aren't related to AppleTalk, so I'll save that for the smb list :).

    Anyway, after mounting the NT share via smbfs, afpd worked perfectly. I
can put in the Linux server's IP on a Macintosh and all the files will be
there, which was great. In fact, it all works perfectly except for one
minor snag - I can't delete any files!

    I can type 'rm -f filename' on the Linux box and it'll delete it from
the directory, but if I walk over to the Mac and drag [filename] over to the
Trash, it will refuse to delete it. Everything else works brilliantly: I
can create new files, read files, even modify and rename files - I just
can't seem to delete any. The permissions seem to be all set correctly:

# ls -ld /import/ntserver/mac
drwxr-xr-x 1 Lansdown users 512 Nov 15 17:40 /import/ntserver/mac

# ls -l /import/ntserver/mac
ls: ICON?: No such file or directory
total 61
-rwxr-xr-x 1 Lansdown users 50976 May 12 1999 DB

    Question 2: Can anybody tell me how to get a Mac connected to the afpd
share to delete a file? Any suggestions before I start doing weird voodoo
stuff? :)

    Thanks for any help -- and a big thankyou to Adrian Sun and the Netatalk
team so we didn't have to spend extra money on implementing a ShareIP server!

: Andre Pang <> - Purruna Pty Ltd - ph# 0411.882299 :
:               #ozone -               :

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