[netatalk-admins] My First Question - Newbie Stuff

Subject: [netatalk-admins] My First Question - Newbie Stuff
From: Jonathan (jcelliot@postoffice.utas.edu.au)
Date: Sun Nov 28 1999 - 21:06:42 EST


I was just wondering if/why quotas slow down Netatalk so badly. A
huge degradation of performance was experienced using the latest
netatalk+asun package once quotas were turned on. This was
regardless of whether the user had unlimited space or not.

I recompiled the kernel to enable quotas and had huge problems.
After recompiling with quotas off, file transfers were extremely fast.

What gives?


Jonathan Elliott
Technical Officer
Faculty of Arts, University of Tasmania
Ph. +61 3 6226 2060 Fax c/- +61 3 6226 7842

"Apple Computer - we might not have got everything right but at least we knew that the century would end." - Douglas Adams

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