[netatalk-admins] Open files timing out?

Subject: [netatalk-admins] Open files timing out?
From: Russell Kerrison (russell@bearcage.com.au)
Date: Tue Nov 30 1999 - 18:51:26 EST


I've been running netatalk-1.4b2+asun2.1.3 for a few months under Redhat
5.2. On the whole it has been quite trouble-free, but for a few niggling
problems. I've hunted about the net looking for info but haven't found an
answer. I've just joined this list, so I apologise in advance if this
question has been answered before.

I sometimes have a Mac render to a network volume. If the render is short
(~6 minutes) there is no problem, however for any jobs significantly longer
the application (Adobe After Effects) announces at the end of the render
that it was unable to close the file.

I am guessing this is a function of some timeout value within Netatalk,
however I have been unable to find any reference to it. Can anyone suggest a


Russell Kerrison
Bearcage Productions
Ph. +61 2 6248 8444 - Fx. +61 2 6248 8288

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