

Special thanks to our SSG leader, Anitha Menon, for making this website possible!

Additional thanks go to Professor Sanford, Dr. Perez, and the country of Japan! Without them, this website could not exist.



About Us


Three undergrads who

Study organic compounds,




Aristide Coumarbatch


Aristide is a Cognitive Science major who loves to make music and do other

creative activities. He loves listening to music and contemplating his future.

He recently graduated from the University of Michigan, receiving a

Bachelors of Science after a long 5 years

of working on his degree.


Clara Tift

Clara Tift is a freshman student who is planning to major in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.

Besides organic chemistry, Clara enjoys horseback riding, gyarados-back riding, and reading.

After her undergraduate career, she is hoping to go on to become a doctor, an epidemiologist,

or a biological oceanographer.


Willy Su

Willy Su is a freshman student currently taking Chem215H.

Little is known about this mysterious creature,

this strange, Lovecraftian being from the

enigmatic, horror-filled depths of North Campus.

He could be a ninja.

He hasn't denied it.



Website by Clara Tift, Willy Su, and Aristide Coumarbatch.