Join DEX

Being a member of DEX is a fun and rewarding experience. Members participate in activities, network with business professionals and other university students, and expand their knowledge of the business world.

Requirements: Membership is open to all University of Michigan undergraduate students. Students do not have to be seeking a major in the business field.

We require members to pay dues of $45 for new members and $30 for old members. A portion of the dues go to the state organization, and a portion also goes to the national organization. Checks should be made payable to "College DECA". Dues should be turned in to Vice President of Finance. We collect dues at our meetings. Students are not official DEX members until dues are paid.

Process: Becoming involved with DEX is easy!
1) Sign up at one of our recruiting events at the beginning of the school year,
2) or come to one of our meetings,
3) or email one of our executive board members.


  • Chapter, State, and National DEX Membership - Once dues are paid, you will officially be recognized as a DEX member in our chapter, within the state of Michigan, and in the United States. You will receive a DEX pin and official membership card.
  • University of Michigan DEX T-Shirt - Each DEX member will receive a free DEX logo t-shirt for the year. These will be distributed after dues are paid.
  • DEX Email Newsletter - The DEX email newsletter is filled with event information as well as job opportunities and events that members may be interested in. To sign up, please contact the Secretary.
  • Meeting Invitations - DEX has meetings and events throughout the year and we encourage members and prospective members to attend. There are several meetings that are exclusive to DEX members only, and you will be notified if you are selected to participate.
  • Tutoring - DEX officers and qualified DEX members may provide tutoring for underclassmen throughout the year on major subjects pending availability. For more information, please contact one of the executive officers.
  • Mentoring - DEX has created a mentor program designed to help underclassmen with applying to the business school, understanding difficult subjects, applying to jobs, and more. If you would like to help in any of these areas, please contact one of the executive board members.
  • Resume Building and Pitching - Every year, DEX holds a Resume Workshop where members learn everything there is to know about creating a professional resume. If you would like further assistance with your resume, feel free throughout the year to contact any DEX officer for help. There are also several opportunities throughout the year where we pitch members' resumes to companies for internship and job consideration.
  • Community Service Opportunities - DEX has various community service events throughout the year that all members are invited to.
  • Other Guidance - If there is anything else you need help on, please do not hesitate to ask. Our experienced Executive Board and faculty advisors are here for you.

Participation: We will take attendance at most DEX meetings. In the case that active membership must be determined for selecting competition events, resume pitching, membership awards, events with limited number of seating, and determining active membership to be submitted to the business school, points will be determined using the following specifications:
Competing at the annual state and national competition = 10 points each
Meetings and Workshops = 5 points each
Fundraisers = 3 points each
Committee activities = 3 points each
Social Events, Intern Learning Lunches, Philanthropy = 1 point each
Active members need to earn 55% of total available points. Exceptions may be made by speaking with the executive board.

We also encourage every member to participate in a committee throughout the year to voice their opinions. Committee involvement is the core of getting involved in DEX, working with professionals, and networking with other students.

Members also do NOT have to compete in the annual statewide competition, but we highly recommend that they do.

Questions: If you have any questions regarding joining DEX, please contact one of our Vice Presidents of Member Development.

DEX Directory:

Michigan DEX | The University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, Michigan