
Local Service

Domestic Spring Break Service Trip

We are excited to announce that there will be two Rotaract service trips over Spring Break: an international and a domestic. The domestic trip will be in Hendersonville, North Carolina from Saturday, 2/27/16 to Friday, 3/4/16. We will be working with the incredible Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy, which works to create a network of permanently protected land in the region. Projects will include trail building and maintenance, invasive species removal, river cleanups, a bog restoration, and teaching an environmental education lesson at a nearby elementary. In addition to service and evening reflections, we will take advantage of the beautiful, mountainous area by hiking, kayaking, exploring waterfalls, and relaxing by the lake.

A grant from the Ginsberg Center for Community Service and Learning helps make this trip possible!


Past Domestic Service Trips:

  • New Orleans, LA - Rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina (2006)