Re: [netatalk-admins] PAP documentation

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] PAP documentation
Date: Mon Nov 29 1999 - 00:44:41 EST

> From: Bob Krzaczek <>
> To:

> Where might someone go to find documentation on the PAP protocol? I
> see references to "Inside Appletalk", but all I can find on the Apple
> Developer's Connection is "Inside Networking", which isn't quite
> getting down to any real protocol details.

Well, searching for "Inside_AppleTalk.pdf", I found several copies.
Here's one:

It's also contained in the AppleShare IP 6.1 SDK (and probably
others). I seem to recall that Inside AppleTalk v1 was a little better
in some regards than v2, but v1 is probably hard to find these days.

> As I make changes in exploring papd, I certainly would find reference
> material on what papd is *supposed* to be doing quite helpful...

You should also get a bunch of docs from Adobe. Not only did they
write most of Apple's drivers and protocol stacks for many printers,
I'm pretty sure they were involved in writing the specs.

or even better:

Have fun!


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