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Wilson Hsieh

Wilson is a freshman at the University of Michigan. He is from Long Island, New York and is shocked by how quickly the weather can change in his new home. He also finds it odd that so many people in Michigan call carbonated beverages "pop" instead of "soda." His favorite place to eat in Ann Arbor is Buffalo Wild Wings where he always orders a dozen boneless wings with "wild" sauce. He's tried their infamous "blazing" sauce once and immediatly regretted it after experiencing severe digestive trauma on the toilet the next morning.


Paul Gorbsky

My name is Paul and I am a freshman in LSA. I am from Edmond, Oklahoma. Yes, I really am from Oklahoma, and no, I do not have an accent and, no, I will not sing the state song for you. I actually cringe every time someone tries to sing it to me.