Lecture 01

I. Introduction (Detailed Syllabus)

  1. Imaging Systems
  2. Modern Radiation Imaging
  3. The Radiation Imaging Industry
  4. Historical foundations.

Reading (pdf):
Assigned Kirz, Science95 1 pg Editorial on Roentgen centenial.
Optional Frank, sBMJ03 3 pgs Intro to Radiation Imaging.
Optional Webb, Chpt. 1 9 pgs Radiation imaging history.
Optional Bradley2008 14 pgs Medical imaging history.
Resource Rontgen1896 3 pgs On a new kind of rays.
Resource Coolidge1913 22 pgs A powerful Rontgen ray tube...
Resource Kemerink2011 6 pgs 1896 X-ray system characteristics.
Resource Life, 1896 1 pg The New Roentgen Photography.
Resource Brownell99 11 pgs Web document on PET history.
Lecture Material:

slides(pdf,2.9MB) , printview(pdf,1.3MB)

AAPM Amer. Assoc. Physicists Medicine
Thomson JJ Thomson: 1856-1940
Röntgen Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen: 1845-1923
Röntgen Video - X-Rays by W C Röntgen (YouTube)
Coolidge William Coolidge: 1873-1975 (IEEE History)
Becquerel Henri Becquerel: 1852-1908
Curie Marie Curie: 1867-1934
X-ray Tubes The Cathode Ray Tube site - X-Ray tubes
NDT History Industrial X-ray 1895 until today, NDTnet, Vol 2, No 1, 1977
Rad. History History of Radiology (BIR)