Our Cats


Snooker the Cranky

February 1991 - September 23, 2011

Ratso the Rambunctious

Molly the Mauler

Herbie the Love Bug

Snooker the Cranky

Simonis the Sweetheart

Fred the Floridian


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Birthday: February 1991

Fighting weight: 10 pounds (Welterweight)

Named after: Popular British pool game

Aliases:  Schnooks, rekoonS,  Schnoookeeee Pie, Little One, #1, Numero Uno, Ol' Lady, Cranky

Known accomplices: Used to be Simonis; now she's a loner.

Favorite place to sleep: Mom & Dad's king-size bed

Favorite treats: "licker" (hairball medicine), any and all human food (steak, salmon, popcorn, ice cream, etc.)

Snooker was crabby cat, but she was the best cuddler of them all (it just had to be her idea to cuddle).  She was a princess in her own mind.  We always said that we hoped she'd make it to 20, and she did that and lived a full, happy life and gave us so much joy.  We put her to sleep on September 23, 2011; she was 20 and a half.

Snooker was the most eccentric of our cats.  She used to come running when we whistled the theme from "The Andy Griffith Show" and brought us small "gifts" from the basement. We think that since she didn't catch mice in her old age, the little pieces of sandpaper, paper towel, or whatever she found on the floor, were her substitute for rodents.  But that Andy Griffith thing.....yeah, we've got NO explanation for that.  I have theorized that she did not like the sound of the whistle, and she thought that coming to you would make you stop.  But what's odd is that she didn't really respond to other whistling in the same manner; only that song.

Snooker was especially close to Derek, but she loved my hair.  When I had big hair in the 90s, she would chase after me when it was time for bed, because she knew that I'd have my head on the pillow and she'd be able to "nest" in my billowing tufts of permed hair.  p

As a kitten / teenager

Chillin' w/ Uncle Marty (one of her first pictures and one of my favorites)     Dashing through the snow        A nap with Auntie Angela


As an adult

"Look at my Belly!"              Admiring some art          Basket Ride!          She loves climbing into piles of paper         

The diva #1       The diva #2        Alert in the garden

Roaming the back yard        Her favorite spot to be scratched        Bathing herself in catnip       High on catnip


She loves the wiegela (as we discovered in 2008)

We discovered here lying at the foot of the wiegela one day. Kathy said she sees her there all the time.

   She clearly considers this her "happy place."          She rubs around on it and sniffs the flowers. She even chews on it!

Ratso chews on the flowers too, obviously invading Snooker's personal space and pissing her off.

An odd relationship with the vacuum

She loves to be vacuumed!             More vacuuming


World Champion Lounger

Sleepin' spot         Resting on her catnip pillow         Sleepy girl         Inspecting Mom's floor pillows

Snooker's Al Bundy pose          On the scratch-condo       Loungin' in 2007       Loungin' in the desk drawer


World Champion Eater

We all scream for ice cream         Garden variety beggin'         Goin' catnip CRAZY!  

Snooker demonstrates her highly skilled drinking method


World Champion Player (at least she was when she was younger)

This is a great vantage point!         She likes the ladders         I want some PRIVACY!         Playing with her catnip creature


Quality time with Daddy & Momma

Watching golf with Dad            Quality time with Dad             More QT with Dad         Go figure, Dad again!       Snook & Daddy (doesn't she like Mom?)

Snook & Mom (ok, maybe a little....)         Chillin' with Mom         Cozy with Mom   

AGGGyou're GGGGchoking MGGGeeee!       Really, I'm comfortable!         Snooker gets glasses  


A Member of the Family

It was truly rare for Snooker to show affection toward anyone but Mom or Dad.  So whenever she did, we scrambled to find the camera, lest we never see it again.  It was truly a sign of acceptance when Snooker hopped on a guest's lap.  They knew, then, that they were considered part of the family:

Snooker & Auntie Katie        Snooker & Auntie Angela        Snooker & Uncle Bill        Snooker & Neighbor Cindy

Snooker & "Grandma" Sundholm        Snooker & Cousin Scott        Snooker & Brian B.