Leadership & Career Development Activities

LIMFEF will organize conferences and workshops related to the issues of minority leadership and career development at the University of Michigan. The program will also organize a national conference on the status of minorities and on the state of diversity efforts in the environmental field. Information on such activities will be posted on this web page.

LIMFEF staff will also post information on diversity conferences as well as minority leadership and career development conferences and workshops that are being held elsewhere in the country.


    MELDI will undertake studies to determine the status of minorities and the state of diversity efforts in the environmental field. When these studies are completed, summary reports will be posted on this web site.

    Summary Report of Diversity Studies

    These studies are underway and summaries will appear on this webpage when the studies are completed.

    Leadership and Training

  • The Aldo Leopold Leadership Fellowship

  • Inspired by Aldo Leopold's plain-spoken yet science-based approach to conservation, the Aldo Leopold Leadership Program trains environmental scientists to communicate their work effectively to a variety of lay audiences. Each year up to 20 academic environmental scientists are selected to receive intensive experiential training, expert consultation, and peer networking. Leopold Leadership Fellows hone skills to better communicate the science associated with complex environmental issues to the media, policy makers, business leaders and other non-scientists.

  • Climate Justice Corps
    The Climate Justice Corps is a ten-week paid training program in which participants will receive training in environmental justice and climate change issues at an environmental justice organization. Climate Justice Corps participants will be paired with an experienced organizer as they learn about the environmental justice implications of global climate change. For more information and application materials visit the above website or email cjcorps@ejcc.org. Telephone: 1-510-444-3401, extension 310.

  • Executive Director Leadership Program

    The Executive Director Leadership Program is sponsored by the Institute for Conservation Leadership. The program trains new and experienced executive directors.
  • Facilitated Strategy Training and Workshops

  • Facilitated Strategy Training and Workshops are designed to help a groups improve their strategy or multi-stakeholder groups come to consensus.

  • GIS & Remote Sensing for Wildlife Managers: An Introduction to the use of Geographic Information Systems & Remote Sensing in Conservation and Wildlife Management

  • This short course will provide wildlife managers with a working knowledge about the application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing to the monitoring and management of wildlife and forest vegetation. Exercises in establishing locations with a Global Positioning System (GPS), data input into a GIS, and spatial analysis techniques for GIS will provide hands-on and real world experience during the course.

  • The Watson International Scholars of the Environment Program

    The Watson International Scholars of the Environment Program is sponsored by the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the Henry Luce Foundation. We offer an intensive program in sustainable ecosystem management, to provide mastery of critical concepts, relevant tools and Transferable processes necessary for successfully managing ecosystems. The 3.5 month curriculum is designed for environmental leaders from non-governmental organizations, governments and university faculties throughout the developing world. The Watson International Scholars of the Environment are regarded as active participants, not as passive students. Instruction focuses upon relevant case studies of environmental problem-solving -- instances of success and failure from throughout the international arena are carefully diagnosed. The opportunity for participants entails increased levels of effectiveness, informing sound decision-making by enhancing abilities to rapidly integrate data from across disciplines. Our investment in these leaders is strategic: We admit men and women capable of creating lasting, and immediately favorable impacts on the sustainable development of their home institutions, eco-regions and nations. Accordingly, participants are expected to be at a mid-point within their careers in environmental science, policy and technology fields. We are most interested in attracting individuals who want to forge new linkages among ideas and issues, to develop networks among leaders facing similar issues and to explore alliances with relevant colleagues and institutions for improved personal and institutional effectiveness.


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Latonia Payne  |  E-mail: paynel@umich.edu  |  Phone: (734) 615-2602  |  Fax: (734) 936-2195

University of Michigan  |  School of Natural Resources and Environment
Dana Building  •  430 East University  •  Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1115