

Official Sponsor: University of Michigan | Michigan Student Assembly | www.msa.umich.edu

Become a DEX Sponsor

Would you like to increase your company’s presence on campus at the University of Michigan?  DEX is a business interest club that focuses on helping students build professional skills for jobs and internships.  Reputable firms have the opportunity to build a stronger relationship and image on our campus by supporting our club through sponsorships. 

Sponsorship Background

DEX sponsorship money will go toward hosting our various meetings and workshops, as well as helping students afford the annual state and national competitions.

Our bi-weekly meetings and events feature:
- Keynote speakers on topics including brand management, financial services, business ethics, consulting, consumer products, and international business
- Workshops on resume-building, interview skills, and communication
- Networking and mentoring
- Leadership development opportunities

As part of a national organization we compete against other college students in state and national competitions.  Unfortunately, students who compete at the State Competition and qualify for the National Competition cannot always attend due to financial constraints. 

Although Michigan students win about many awards at the state level, it is unfortunate that our university is not well represented at the National Competition.  Your sponsorship will help subsidize the cost of attending these unique extracurricular activities, helping students recognize their potential. 

Sponsorship Benefits

DEX is a non-profit 501(c) (3) educational association, and financial support of DEX is tax deductible. 

In return for your sponsorship, we can help build your company’s presence on the University of Michigan campus through:
~ distributing and posting flyers for your business
~ featuring your business logo at our events and meetings
~ displaying information on our website (www.umich.edu/~dex)
~ featuring your business logo on our official t-shirts
~ displaying your business' information (flyers, banners, brochures) at events
~ recruiting students to serve in focus groups
~ arranging for and publicizing campus visits for your recruiters
~ assembling a resume booklet of student resumes for recruitment
~ arranging for a company representative to be featured as a guest speaker

Sponsorship Procedure

Please review an example of an official business sponsorship packet for more information.

Sponsorship Team

The DEX Finance Committee is our dedicated team of students in charge of corresponding with various businesses and would be happy to help you and answer any questions you may have.

IFor any further assistance, please contact Vice President of Finance or reach out to one of the administrators on the DEX Facebook Group.


Newer photographs may be viewed on the DEX Facebook Group. Please note that DEX photographs may not be used without prior permission from the DEX Executive Board.

2007 DEX State Competition
2008 DEX State Competition
2008 Red Wings Career Day
2009 DEX State Competition

Michigan DEX | The University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, Michigan