Great Lakes Strings Conference, 2006

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Student Talks Session

5:00-6:20 pm Saturday, April 1

Student talks session chair: Leopoldo Pando Zayas (University of Michigan)
5:00 pm
Paolo Benincasa (University of Western Ontario)

Transport properties of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
at finite coupling

5:10 pm
Benjamin Burrington (University of Michigan)

Discrete symmetries of quiver theories and wrapped branes
5:20 pm
Mohammad Edalati (University of Cincinnati)

Singular superpotentials and higer-derivative F-terms
5:30 pm
Steuard Jensen (University of Chicago)

Worldsheet instanton corrections to the Kaluza-Klein monopole
5:40 pm
Manavendra Mahato (University of Michigan)

The structure of solutions of N=4 supergravity in five dimensions
5:50 pm
John Maiden (University of Wisconsin)

D-brane spectrum and K-theory constraints in D=4, N=1 orientifolds
6:00 pm
Bret Underwood (University of Wisconsin)

Steps towards reheating in D-Dbar inflation
6:10 pm
John Wittig (University of Cincinnati)

The classification of 2D Coulomb branches of N=2 4D
supersymmetric gauge theories

6:20 pm
End of student session

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